The Woodside Boys consists of Lyle Horowitz and PreZZure. I produced the album in it’s entirety minus the bonus track, which is produced by MidPoint. Since the very first beat Lyle ever made, he’s always wanted to produce an entire album for an emcee and he’s happy to announce that it finally came to fruition. In the words of Khal:
“PreZZ goes ham on this one – he really taps into the darker, more sinister side of his psyche, with tracks like “Ghost” and “Possessed”, which really blur the lines of crazy MC and crazy MC who might fucking kill you. You’ve already heard “I’m The Best”, where they flipped what is arguably the best promo on WWE programming of the last few years into an anthem for slept-on MCs. 10 tracks of terror, from two cats who should be highly sought after.”
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