The Southwest Hip Hop’s scene has a new video added to the mix with Elite Sqwad’s latest track “There He Go”. The track has Shorty Badmouth with T Streetz doing what they do best, displaying the lyrical talent of New Mexico’s largest city Albuquerque. The hook is catchy and the lyrics are grimy and true. Shorty Badmouth and T Streetz put on for the city of Albuquerque and for the entire Southwest region. The video is shot by a staple of the Southwest’s music scene Editz Macias and showcases recognizable locations of downtown Albuquerque bringing the reality of the lyrics and video to life with that authentic New Mexico flavor and style. Keep an eye out for more work from the folks at Elite Sqwad as they make waves in the entire region.

Shorty Badmouth and T Streetz drop “There He Go”
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