This is just as funny as it is fucked up.
Someone hacked into The Game’s e-mail recently and found what appears to be an email message outlining his monthly expenses. The costs include mortgage payments for FOUR(!?) properties, taxes, security detail, child support payments and other various living expenses. To most of us people, these costs seem out of hand and excessive… but I’m sure that this guy makes way more than the total (which happens to be $624,000 a year) meaning he’s got plenty of Leftover Cake on hand. So even though he got hacked he still wins because those monthly expenses probably don’t even shadow his monthly income. Share now, please. Thanks.
Oh, and I really can’t seem to put my finger on what this “Stix” entry is… But I wouldn’t be surprised if it was some kind of jargon refering to his avid ganja habit.
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