So far Let’s Do Lunch has made chili, grilled cheese, and a Bunch of Old Ladies, but in this episode, Oreo’s switching gears and having a tea party with the band Beta Male. That’s right, one-man concept-band turned new wave sex-rock hula-hoop band Beta Male classes up the set of Let’s Do Lunch with some Earl Grey tea and cucumber sandwiches on pumpernickel bread. The group even hosts a guest of honor, Teddy Ruxbin. We’re going to go ahead and say it: you’ve near truly partied until you attended a Beta Male tea party.
Beta Male started out as the introspective solo project of David Hazel in 2005. With a lot of hoopla and hula hooping, David began conspiring with performance artists Allison Hazel and Jessica Hack on Beta Male’s now sexy live performance. As their artistic relationship blossomed, Allison and Jessica became integral members of the group, respectively playing bass guitar and keys. With the addition of drummer TJ Briggs, Beta Male took on the appearance of a tradition four piece, but in all honesty, they were so much more. Between their adventurous production, fearless lyrics, and eerily erotic live performance, Beta Male proves to be a provocative exploration of emotion rendered in sound and light.
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