Dylan Owen hails from a small town, Goshen, NY, and…
This is great… I was once almost arrested in Goshen by the local sheriff department but luckily they let me off with a few tickets and a warning to “Never drive through Orange County again. Specifically Goshen.” What a coincidence, eh?
Anyways, dude is currently a freshman at Cornell University. His debut album Senioritis broke the Top 200 on Itunes last summer and he is currently working on his second album to be released this summer. He is also currently working on a number of collaborations with other artists such as PJ Simas, Split Second, and Tate Tucker to name a few. He’s also been opening for some big names like Mac Miller, Tayyib Ali, Wiz Khalifa, Sam Adams, Chris Webby, Chiddy Bang, Spose, and Grieves as well as past collabs with Mac Leethal. Dylan’s flow is amazing and his lyrics are deep and emotional. Definitely a rising star and one to watch for as he is someone truly unique and genuine in the current hip hop scene.
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