Were you grateful for being able to sleep last night? Are you grateful for waking up today? Do
you have both arms, both hands and both legs? Do you have vision, whether it is 20/20 or not?
Do you have someone who loves you; parents, siblings or friends? Do you have a roof over your
head? Do you eat until you’re full? Have you sat down for a minute and actually thought about
what you had, instead of what you didn’t? Do you realize, even if you have one of the things I
just listed above, you are blessed? Are you forgetful of what has been given to you? Have you
become so use to these things that you need to have them taken away in order to realize? Did you
say thank you to the last person who helped you? Do you love the person who loves you back,
just as much? Are you so confident that you will live long enough to see tomorrow? I write this
to you, so you can think about these things every day. Life is short, but it seems that our memory
of what we have in it is even shorter.
Don’t you know that happiness is a state of mind, which solely begins with ‘your’ attitude? Either
you are negative, or you are positive. Your whole life is capable of changing with just how you
perceive your surroundings. No one in this life will have everything they “want”, but if they learn
to see, they will see they have what they need already. People want a million dollars, so they
pray for it. Did you ever think you might already have the million dollars? What if that million
dollars was in the form of something else, like a mother? Someone who loves you? Paper isn’t
the only asset. This is what I mean, we have things of value which are worth more than anything
in this world, but we don’t ever notice it until it’s gone. I had a friend who lost their mother, and
they told me “I would always be so angry and do things just to make her mad, and the next thing
you know, she was gone”. Would you really want regret like that in your life? Be grateful while
you have it, and be grateful for having the chance of having it.
The beauty of saying ‘thank you’ is that it takes little time, but the effect lasts a life time. Just as
we should be grateful for what we have, we should be grateful for what we don’t. If you believe
in God, than you believe what we don’t have is only for our own betterment. No one knows us
better than the one who made us. You must learn to believe in your creator, without doubting
his reasoning. Sometimes what we don’t have is a way of having something in itself. Like they
say, ‘a prayer unanswered, is still a prayer answered.’ When you pray, you should say thanks
for the things you have first. Thank God, thank your family, your friends, your neighbors and
anybody who’s been there for you and with you through thick and thin. Most people may not
realize it, but gratitude is a form of charity itself. Not only should you appreciate the people who
come in your life, but also the ones who leave your life. Every single thing has a purpose or
lesson behind it in life. Life remains teaching us, so we shall remain learning from it.
With that being said, you should never not be thankful, because you can never be too
grateful. Learn to be tolerant, be accepting, be positive, and be appreciative. Remember that, the
first step to being great is to be grateful. We work hard every day to reach our goals, dreams or
even the next promotion at work. Although, once we get there, we sometimes let our ego step in
and change how we think. We cannot allow ourselves to get ahead of ourselves that is exactly
how we lose. You see how everything correlates with being grateful. If we cannot display
gratitude or be thankful for our blessings, than slowly we will stop having the things we should
be saying thank you for.
‘For some people, enough is never enough. For others, it is just enough.’ – Sullee J.
‘I’m Thankful…’ – Sullee J
I’m thankful for the ones that love me
The ones that hate me
The ones that I call friends
And the ones that tried to play me
I’m thankful for the ones that need me
The ones that want me
The ones that try and please me
So later they can come back to haunt me
I’m thankful for the pain and the laughter
If it wasn’t for the rain
I wouldn’t have known how to keep a straight face after
I’m thankful for being alive,
I’m thankful for having a reason to survive
I’m thankful for making it out of hell
Because at one point, I was feenin’ to die
I’m thankful for my enemies,
They taught me who’s real, which helped better me
I’m thankful for this life
And every day that it lets me be
I’m thankful for love and the
Lessons it showed me
I’m thankful in general
For what’s above, and what’s below me
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