First off, thank you for being a constant supporter of the music as you’ve been…trust, it means the world to me. Without the support to extend the reach, the music is nothing but unheard. With that said, this email here is being sent out due to the supporters. If you follow my music, I’m sure you’re familiar with my song, “The Balance”. It’s definitely been my biggest song to date and the response has been a blessing.
Well, more recently, now it turns out that a fan from London ended up hitting DJ Premier on Twitter about my most recent EP, The Balance: Respect, and Preemo actually checked it out and loved it. The week after this happens, sure enough, DJ Premier ends up playing “The Balance” during his show on SiriusXM’s Hip-Hop Nation, “Live From HeadQCourterz” (12/2/2011). Needless to say, DJ Premier went IN (pause? I don’t know, I don’t say “pause”, I’m grown…lol) on the scratches and bringing the record back. As a result, a good number of the fans and supporters have asked for this version of the song. Well…it’s here. Much love, y’all. Any posts are appreciated.
Oh yeah…almost forgot…new EP, The Balance: Money, dropping on in January!
Lyriciss “The Balance” (DJ Premier ‘Live From HeadQCourterz’ Mix)
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