King Fantastic’s “Killer Reese One” Out on Bail, Awaiting Trial

On Friday, February 3rd, 2012, Venice Beach artist and rapper, Killer Reese One, of King Fantastic, was taken into custody by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

Following his incarceration, the group issued a press release calling fans and friends to action by purchasing ‘Free Reese’ t-shirts to help raise money for his bail and legal fees.

The group is proud to thank the fans that, within a few days, rallied to post Reese’s bail.

And, while this is an incredible out-pouring of support, the fight is not over.

“Bail is expensive as fuck. Lawyers are expensive as fuck. You muthafuckas rallied and showed love when I needed it most. That’s why I fuck with y’all, we’re a family in this kingdom. The fight don’t stop until we are satisfied with the outcome.” – Killer Reese One of King Fantastic

As stated previously, during this time, King Fantastic have several projects that will be released including a new EP, single and video.

All of the groups music and videos, which have previously been free for the last two years, will now be for sale, as well as all merchandise, including the ‘Free Reese” t-shirt, available on King Fantastic’s website:

All proceeds will go to “Free Reese.”



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