Mellzy “Melo” [DOPE!]

Melo Cover Art

With the loss of the Knicks, originally being from New York, and having the first name Carmelo, I decided why not? Lets feed the streets. After this, I won’t be putting out as much music as an artist, just a few a bangers here and there all while managing two new, great artist by the name of Spizzy (@SpizzySo4Real) and Nino Major (@NinoMajor), who both represent the KNKLHEAD family. I’m currently in the process of reaching my number one goal, which came before rap, that I’ll reveal when everything is A1! I’m not saying I’m done but I’m in love with the corporate money more than anything so my focus is elsewhere. Until next time though, slow feet don’t eat, catch up!!! – Mellzy




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