Chi City “Here I Go” [VIDEO]

Chi City “Here I Go” [VIDEO]

Southside Chicago rapper Chi City presents the self-directed music video for his Cash Jordan-produced single “Here I Go”. With over nine underground tapes bearing his name – his last being 2011′s Who Is Chi City – Chi has collaborated with Cory Gunz, Mullyman and has toured with Philadelphia Freeway, Mickey Factz, Mikey Halsted and Daytona. He was crowned Coast To Coast’s Indie Artist Next To Blow and has performed at the BET Artist Showcase and’s Independent Fridays. He has ghostwritten for B.O.B., Diggy Simmons and G.O.O.D. Music affiliates. “I came up with the idea for ‘Here I Go’ because I felt like a lot of people use to always ask me who I was as an artist, as if being different or experimenting with different styles of music was a sign of confusion,” says Chi about the song. “I am me when you hear me rap on an EDM record, or rap fast or tell a deep story. I just can’t define myself to stick to one category because i didn’t grow up in one lifestyle.”



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